Facebook Ads

Similarly to Google Ads, it is a very sophisticated platform with an awful lot of opportunities. Some people say that to master it is more difficult than to learn to fly an airplane.

That said, if you are willing to pay the price (at least in terms of learning for months or years) the pay-off can be enormous.

However, I don’t want to discourage you. It is not that difficult to start with Facebook Ads. With some luck, you can even be profitable, but more often than not the first results are not financially satisfactory.

Many people want to sell their approach to become successful with Facebook advertising. But here is a warning, the saying still valid: “There is no royal road to learning, no easy way to wisdom.” When some of the gurus offer you the Holy Grail for $27 or the best online training course for $$$ be suspicious. Not everyone is offering sound knowledge. While the sales pitch is overwhelming, the content and know-how are often meager.

Our approach is different.

We sincerely believe that to become successful with Facebook Ads (in fact with any advertising platform) one should excel in measurement.

In case you are new to Facebook advertising, read our blog post, otherwise, click here to learn more.