Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information about the products?

Facebook Ads measurement: under DIGITAL MARKETING, Facebook Ads Measuring System
Facebook location targeting: Geotargeting with Facebook Ads
Lean Startup: under TOOLS, Lean Startup Know-how pack with toolbox and Cash Flow Forecaster and Tracking Simulator
Short information: in the product pages (in the PRICING menu item).

How can I purchase the products?

See our Shopping Guide.

Should I pay V.A.T. on top of the indicated price?

That very much depends on your geographical location and business status. V.A.T. (zero or not) will be finalized on the Checkout page. See the details in the Shopping Guide.

How can I use the products?

For pdf files, you will need a pdf reader. For spreadsheets, you will need a computer that runs Microsoft Excel 2013 or later versions or Microsoft 365. There are alternative possibilities for most products (LibreOffice on PC or Microsoft Excel app on mobile and tablet – both are free). However, all these depend on the particular product, so please see the details on the product description page.

I have problems downloading and using Excel files. What should I do?

See the details in the blog post: Excel and digital marketing.

Can I use the products after the expiration of one year update period (that refers to the know-how packs and the Traction Planner)?

Absolutely yes! That is the advantage of downloadable products over web-based services.

What is your refund policy?

Our refund policy is product dependent. See the details in the Refund Policy.
Our philosophy is that we publish only polished, well-tested products, often with lite or demo versions you can test before purchase and plenty of information so that you can make an informed decision. However, when something doesn’t work as advertised, first, we try to fix the error. When we cannot do this within a few days, a refund is granted (currently for products priced at $10 and over).